quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2005

Tom Espera

Don’t go to church on sunday
Don’t get on my knees to pray
Don’t memorize the books of the bible
I got my own special way
Bit I know jesus loves me
Maybe just a little bit more

I fall on my knees every sunday
At zerelda lee’s candy store

Well it’s got to be a chocolate jesus
Make me feel good inside
Got to be a chocolate jesus
Keep me satisfied

Well I don’t want no anna zabba
Don’t want no almond joy
There ain’t nothing better
Suitable for this boy
Well it’s the only thing
That can pick me up
Better than a cup of gold
See only a chocolate jesus
Can satisfy my soul

When the weather gets rough
And it’s whiskey in the shade
It’s best to wrap your savior
Up in cellophane
He flows like the big muddy
But that’s ok
Pour him over ice cream
For a nice parfait

Well it’s got to be a chocolate jesus
Good enough for me
Got to be a chocolate jesus
Good enough for me

Well it’s got to be a chocolate jesus
Make me feel good inside
Got to be a chocolate jesus
Keep me satisfied

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2005

um estado, o –

passa-se de uma à outra margem, ou nem isso.
as aparentes coisas: embaraço e deslumbramento. não saber para onde voltar a atenção, e em seguida estar rarefeito por tudo e nada.

no universo, vê-se a clara terceira margem. mas fora dele, o que há é abstruso... o que é por ausência, ainda mais. universal construído, existente, registrado. as escrituras sagradas. regidas pelas letras da lei interna.

não se engane: o universo não é finito. obedece a topografias antes de topologias, pode ser cartografado mas não se pode sair dele. é dividido, compartimentado, cheio de pontes e não-monumental. não se engane, afinal, pelo que representa. é apenas um metassigno.

de fora, as aparentes coisas não se fazem ilustrar. a matéria universal não é ferramenta mas todos os elementos de uma cena. a ação ocorre atrelada a espectro de fora, espectro embaraçado em tentar corresponder as coisas aparentes ao universal e, no mais das vezes, ignorante de seu deslumbre vir – ainda que pudesse criar representações – do drama puro.

terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2005

os sete esteios do amor cortes

or, my rendering of john donne's extasie...

o que mais diz é o comedimento. a capacidade de sustentar interlúdios, de enriquecê-los ao não classificar. palavras e gestos muitas vezes falham por serem incapazes de representar, mas a potência do silêncio realiza. é a terceira margem, a verdadeira expressão. é saber construir a partir de espaços negativos. enriquecer e dinamizar. deixar no ar significa carregá-lo, eletricidade, a verdadeira boa condução.

louder is concision. the capacity to sustain interludes, to enrich them by lack of classification. words and gestures often fail for they are uncapable of representing, but the potency of silence materializes. it is the third margin, actual expression. to know how to build up from negative spaces. to enrich and dinamise. to let it be suspended means to charge. electricity, the true and one conducive support, in itself.

uma dedicação pontuada tem mais valor do que a devoção cega. independência, quase não é troca, intervalos isolados de agrados voluntários. episódios. o mais despidos de causas e expectativas o quanto for possível. o que é sempre projeção... explorar meios, portanto, de servir.

a punctuated dedication is more valuable than blind devotion. independence, almost without trade, isolated intervals of voluntary compliment. episodes. as deprived from causes and expectations as possible. which is in itself a projection... to explore means, then, of bestowing.

que se estenda o alcance, penetrar e romper pela delicadeza. em ser firme, poder da confiança, sacramentar os próprios passos. dar espaço por saber que outros podem ser criados. mãos, produzem molde, replicam-se, contundentes.

may reach be extended, to penetrate and break by gentleness. in being firm, power of confidence, to sacralize own steps. to give space because others may be created. hands, that craft moulds, replicates, edgy.

esperar a vez. não por conformidade, mas por decorrência. a naturalidade de quem se preza. a estima determina o artifício bem-fundado, o próprio ar, o suporte de todo deslocamento natural. assim, quando diferente, não há verdade.

to wait its turn. not by conformity, but out of sheer causality. the natural ways of one with self consideration. esteem determines the well-based artifice, air itself, support of all natural shifts. thus, if otherwise, there is no truth.

construir canais, fazer correr não o desejo, mas o que seria seu fim. o desejo, este será capturado e mantido. tornar-se-á matéria fina permanente, de alimentação, de filtragem, prolongado e tendendo à eternidade. os canais possuem, assim, o que há de mais material, para edificar as próprias virtudes. aguçar faculdades.

to build channels, induce the flow not of desire, but of that which would become its very end. desire, it will be captured and maintained. and then, become permanent fine matter, of nurturing, of filtrating, prolonged and bending towards eternity. the channels bear, therefore, the telluric, to edificate one's own virtues. to sharpen one's faculties.

afinar sentidos pela comum omissão. cumplicidade na ausência, vestígios coletados em comum acordo. prova de compromisso, de circunscrição protetora. tornar-se mais e mais puro e livre de descortesia.

the tuning of senses by common ommission. cumplicity is absence, remains collected by common terms. proof of commitment, of protective circunscription. To become purer and purer, and freed from uncourtsmanship.

curve-se e celebre os próprios votos. alegre-se em verdadeira circuncspecção. em valores fulcrais e o divino em tal comportamento. nada mais a dizer, seja pio ao que traz e sustenta verdadeiro poder. não sacie. não completamente. guarde um pouco de sede. esteja sempre ávido.

bend over and celebrate your own vows. relish in true circunspection, on core values and the divinity of such behaviour. no more to say, be pious towards that which brings out and sustains true power. do not quench. not entirely. save a bit of your thirst. be ever thirsty.

– a dog?


1) *Nereid (Iliad 18.48).

2) (Argos) daughter of Proitos and Anteia, companion of Artemis, who kills her because she bears a son Lokros to Zeus (Od. 11.326 and Pherec. in schol. A).

3) (Arcadia) daughter of Atlas, wife of Tegeates son of Lykaon, buried with him in Tegea (Paus. 8.48.6), or in town in Arcadia called Maira (Paus. 8.12.7). Together they sacrifice to Apollo and Artemis (Paus. 8.53.3). Dancing place (choros) of Maira (Paus. 8.8.1).

4) *a dog belonging to the heroine Erigone (1).

segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2005

The Extasie

Where,like a pillow on a bed,
   A Pregnant banke swel'd up, to rest
The violets reclining head,
   Sat we two, one anothers best;
Our hands were firmely cimented
With a fast balme, which thence did spring,
Our eye-beames twisted, and did thred
   Our eyes, upon one double string,
So to'entergraft our hands, as yet
   Was all the meanes to make us one,
And pictures in our eyes to get
   Was all our propagation.
As'twixt two equall Armies, Fate
   Suspends uncertaine victorie,
Our soules, (which to advance their state,
   Were gone out,) hung 'twixt her, and mee.
And whil'st our soules negotiate there,
   Wee like sepulchrall statues lay,
All day, the same our postures were,
   And wee said nothing, all the day.
If any, so by love refin'd,
   That he soules language understood,
And by good love were growen all minde,
   Within convenient distance stood,
He (though he knowes not which soule spake,
   Because both meant, both spake the same)
Might thence a new concoction take,
   And part farre purer then he came.
This Extasie doth unperplex
   (We said) and tell us what we love,
Wee see by this, it was not sexe
   Wee see, we saw not what did move:
But as all severall soules containe
   Mixture of things, they know not what,
Love, these mixt soules, doth mixe againe,
   And makes both one, each this and that.
A single violet transplant,
   The strength, the colour, and the size,
(All which before was poore, and scant,)
   Redoubles still, and multiplies.
When love, with one another so
   Interanimates two soules,
That abler soule, which thence doth flow,
   Defects of lonelinesse controules.
Wee then, who are this new soule, know,
   Of what we are compos'd, and made,
For, th'Atomies of which we grow,
   Are soules, whom no change can invade.
But O alas, so long, so farre
   Our bodies why doe wee forbeare?
They are ours, though not wee, Wee are
   The intelligences, they the spheares.
We owe them thankes, because they thus,
   Did us, to us, at first convay,
Yeelded their senses force to us,
   Nor are drosse to us, but allay.
On man heavens influence workes not so,
   But that it first imprints the ayre,
For soule into the soule may flow,
   Though it to body first repaire.
As our blood labours to beget
   Spirits, as like soules as it can,
Because such fingers need to knit
   That subtile knot, which makes us man:
So must pure lovers soules descend
   T'affections, and to faculties,
Which sense may reach and apprehend,
   Else a great Prince in prison lies,
To'our bodies turne wee then, that so
   Weake men on love reveal'd may looke;
Loves mysteries in soules doe grow,
   But yet the body is his booke.
And if some lover, such as wee,
   Have heard this dialogue of one,
Let him still marke us, he shall see
   Small change, when we'are to bodies gone.

* John Donne *

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2005


Presença é concentração. O que chamam de ausência pode ser apenas propagação. A distância, muitas vezes, engrandece impressões. Melhor: alargamento, amplitude. Deslocar-se propicia a ilusão de novidade. O movimento ativa mecanismos de memória, dai o aparente aprendizado. Dentro de cada um dos múltiplos círculos, outros. Constituem-se de deslocamentos, entremeios, margens. Na amplitude, o movimento circular lembra imensa calmaria. Latência, atividade fina.
Sentir falta: vontade de propagar-se. Saber: recordar. Estar: condensar. Ser: o único.

Presence is concentration. What is known as absence may be but propagation. Distance makes impression grand. Or better: enlargement, amplitude. Shifting allows the illusion of novelty. Movement activates mechanisms of memory, thus the apparent learning process.
Into each of the multiple circles, others, constituted by shifts, interminglings, margins. In the amplitude, circular movement resembles intense stillness. Latency, activity refined.
To miss: desire to propagate. To know: to retrieve. To be present: to condense. To be: unity.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2005